Women’s and girls hormone health

Teen girl – Body and Mind – The changes!

Menstruation usually commences around the age of twelve to thirteen, but it is not unusual for periods to start anywhere between the ages of nine to fifteen. There are many factors that can influence the menstrual cycle and that can be down to genetics, dietary choices, and environmental exposure to endogenous oestrogens. The physical requirements of the body and rapid growth rates during this time demand a high level of nutrients, therefore a healthy diet is so important around these developing years.

Minerals such as calcium for the rapid growth of bones, Zinc for the prevention of acne, metabolism of sex hormones and blood sugar control and Iron because of the increased requirements associated with menstruation (during a period between 15–30 mg of iron are lost) and its effects on muscle mass and blood volume are vital for the menstruating female.

Mood changes

Depression and anxiety are the most common mood changes experienced during the years when the menstrual cycle and hormones are becoming established and regular. This can be related to the hormonal fluctuations (somewhat like being premenstrual all the time), or to other factors which become harder to deal with because of the additional stresses of puberty.

It is not advisable to treat severe depression, anxiety and suicidal feelings with herbs or supplements alone. Referral to a doctor, psychiatrist or counsellor should always be arranged.

Herbs and supplements for mood changes in puberty

The nervines are the group of herbs used and of these the best herb For depression is Hypericum perforatum. This herb is known as a nervine tonic and tends to work well in combination with other herbs hat have a calming effect.

Piper methysticum is excellent for anxiety, and is available through practitioners. Other anti-anxiety herbs are Verbena officinalis, Scutellaria laterifolia, Matricaria recutita, Passiflora incarnata, Zizyphus spinosa, Valeriana officinalis and Eschscholtzia californica.

Vitamin B complex is a general nerve tonic especially where stress, overwork or too much study are causing the nervousness. Vitamin B complex is a good idea before exams to maintain mental clarity, especially if exams fall on premenstrual days.